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Call for applications for Associated regions to support the protection and restoration of biodiversity

The call is now closed.

The applications are currently being evaluated and the results will be announced in April.


Augment the impact and increase the robustness and adaptability of the solutions to protect and restore biodiversity 

  • Improve the tools to protect and restore biodiversity. 
  • Gather feedback from regions to refine and strengthen these solutions.



  • Each selected region will be paired with a demonstration site. 
  • The technical assistance to the ’associated regions’ will include advice to prepare roadmaps, plans and projects to restore marine ecosystems and biodiversity in the associated regions, to address possible barriers and show the feasibility of implementing innovative solutions for socio-economic transition processes in an ecosystem based and circular economy perspective. 
  • Comprehensive support package will be provided, including tutorials and user guides.


  • Associated regions to provide feedback to improve the BioProtect tools. 
  • Associated regions to collaborate on enhancing solutions for broader application. 
  • Associated regions to engage the relevant local stakeholders to co-evaluate the success of the solutions.